About Our Church
Yorkshire Free Will Baptist Church was organized in 1962 with seven charter members.  With over 50 years in existence, it has had six Pastors, starting with Cecil Stallard, followed by Jack Bartley, George Meade, Ray Mullins, Lonnie Salyers, and our current Pastor, Todd Tennant.
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“The greatest discovery in my life was to realize that God loved me so much that He was willing to let His only son, Jesus, die for my sinful soul. So I accepted God’s love and put my faith in Jesus to rescue me from the awful penalty of sin. Now I live a life surrendered to God’s purpose and plan. I want to tell you of the great love that God has for you. Jesus died and rose victorious over death to break the chains of sin and death for whoever would believe. Nobody’s perfect, all of us have sinned against God but He loves us anyway and offers us forgiveness; and with that forgiveness – joy, peace, hope, and strength for every day. I pray that you will discover and accept God’s love and forgiveness and that you too live life surrendered to God’s will. Come and see us at Yorkshire. Learn more of God’s love and will for your life.” – Pastor Todd

YORKSHIRE FREE WILL BAPTIST CHURCH | 7620 Chestnut Street Manassas, VA 20111 | 703-361-3555 | 2018. Copyright. All Rights Reserved.